- Fabricant :
- Altech Corporation (475)
- B&B SmartWorx, Inc. (14)
- Carlo Gavazzi Inc. (88)
- Crouzet (51)
- Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions (68)
- IDEC (459)
- Littelfuse Inc. (61)
- Microsemi Corporation (358)
- Omron Automation and Safety (3119)
- Omron Electronics Inc-EMC Div (2530)
- Panasonic Electric Works (4650)
- Panasonic Industrial Automation Sales (30)
- Phoenix Contact (979)
- Red Lion Controls (5)
- SICK, Inc. (54)
- TE Connectivity Aerospace, Defense and Marine (1079)
- TE Connectivity AMP Connectors (65)
- TE Connectivity Passive Product (1)
- TE Connectivity Potter & Brumfield Relays (6035)
- Thomas Research Products (4)
- Weidmuller (778)
- Series :
- (5731)
- 07, CII (8)
- 156, CII (7)
- 157, CII (5)
- 158, CII (2)
- 187 (5)
- 38, Products Unlimited (3)
- 410 63, SCHRACK (5)
- 41083 3mm, SCHRACK (1)
- 430 3mm, SCHRACK (9)
- 491, CII (5)
- 596, CII (1)
- 600 (1)
- 9100, Products Unlimited (5)
- 9400, Products Unlimited (15)
- ADJ (61)
- ADJH (45)
- ADQ (12)
- ADQM (8)
- ADY (11)
- ADZS (10)
- AEJ (2)
- AEP (6)
- AHK (1)
- AHN (81)
- ALA (20)
- ALD (5)
- ALDP (8)
- ALE (149)
- ALF (15)
- ALFG (21)
- ALQ (21)
- ALT (4)
- ALTS (2)
- ALZ (195)
- ALZN (20)
- APE (28)
- APF (43)
- AVMR (1)
- BR230 (85)
- BR230D (28)
- BR246 (3)
- BR246D (2)
- C, CII (2)
- CS (8)
- DE (51)
- DK (75)
- DRM (55)
- DSP (107)
- DW-H (76)
- EG2R (3)
- EG3R (2)
- EMG 10-REL (10)
- EV250, KILOVAC (5)
- EV500, KILOVAC (4)
- EW60 (4)
- FC-325, CII (16)
- FC-335, CII (8)
- FCA, CII (6)
- FCAC-150, CII (1)
- FCB, CII (4)
- G2R (586)
- G2RG (5)
- G2RL (178)
- G2RL-TP (4)
- G2RS (151)
- G2RV (30)
- G2RV-SR (24)
- G4A (13)
- G4B (25)
- G4D (1)
- G4Q (12)
- G4W (32)
- G5B (12)
- G5C (1)
- G5CA (29)
- G5G (4)
- G5J (8)
- G5LA (63)
- G5LB (15)
- G5LE (222)
- G5LE-E (19)
- G5LE-G (8)
- G5NB (12)
- G5NB-E (12)
- G5NB-EL (3)
- G5PA-1 (12)
- G5PA-2 (6)
- G5Q (37)
- G5Q-EL (3)
- G5Q-EL2 (8)
- G5Q-EL3 (4)
- G5Q-EU (13)
- G5RL (34)
- G5RL-K (7)
- G5RL-U (14)
- G5S (2)
- G5SB (19)
- G5T (6)
- G6B (184)
- G6B-4 (14)
- G6C (123)
- G6C-4 (7)
- G6D (3)
- G6D-4 (4)
- G6D-ASI (12)
- G6DN (9)
- G6DS (16)
- G6M (4)
- G6QE (3)
- G6RL (87)
- G6RN (22)
- G7J (130)
- G7L (362)
- G7L-PV (2)
- G7L-X (8)
- G7P (2)
- G7S (4)
- G7S-E (3)
- G7SA (22)
- G7Z (100)
- G8P (124)
- G8PT (2)
- G9EA-1 (39)
- G9EB-1 (8)
- G9EC-1 (15)
- G9EH-1 (2)
- G9EN (4)
- G9SA (12)
- G9SB (7)
- G9SE (1)
- G9TA (4)
- G9TB (4)
- HA (1)
- HC (494)
- HC-3, KILOVAC (3)
- HC-4, KILOVAC (2)
- HC-5, KILOVAC (1)
- HC-6, KILOVAC (1)
- HCE (96)
- HE (128)
- HE-S (30)
- HE-V (9)
- HFW4A, CII (4)
- HFW5A, CII (7)
- HG (47)
- HJ (127)
- HL (179)
- HP (59)
- HR1S-AC (1)
- HR1S-AF (1)
- HR2S-301 (1)
- IM, AXICOM (20)
- ISS-100 (1)
- ISS-101 (1)
- ISS-102 (1)
- ISS-105 (1)
- J7ARN (4)
- JA (7)
- JC (124)
- JE-X (24)
- JG (3)
- JK (33)
- JM (27)
- JQ (82)
- JR (31)
- JRS (6)
- JS (190)
- JT-N (111)
- JT-V (21)
- JV (54)
- JV-N (37)
- JW (94)
- K10 (43)
- K40, KILOVAC (2)
- K41, KILOVAC (3)
- K41R, KILOVAC (1)
- K43, KILOVAC (2)
- K61, KILOVAC (1)
- K81, KILOVAC (12)
- KA (22)
- KAP (24)
- KB (5)
- KBP (13)
- KC-11, KILOVAC (2)
- KC-12, KILOVAC (1)
- KC-16, KILOVAC (2)
- KC-18, KILOVAC (2)
- KHA (84)
- KHS (4)
- KHU (24)
- KHX (1)
- KNA3-RS (3)
- KNA3-XS (2)
- KNA3-YS (3)
- KNAC3-YS (3)
- KNE3-YS (3)
- KNEC3-YS (1)
- KR-3 (3)
- KRP (42)
- KRP-3 (6)
- KRPA (87)
- KSW3-JS (1)
- KU (15)
- KUEP (34)
- KUGP (6)
- KUHP (40)
- KUIP (19)
- KUL (26)
- KUM (4)
- KUMP (42)
- KUP (184)
- KUP93 (11)
- KZE5-YS (3)
- KZH2-XS (1)
- KZH2-YS (1)
- KZH3-RS (3)
- KZH3-YS (2)
- KZHNV-YS (1)
- KZP3-RS (1)
- KZR3-RS (1)
- KZR3-YS (1)
- LK (5)
- LK-G (5)
- LK-P (8)
- LK-Q (5)
- LK-S (7)
- LK-T (8)
- LY (435)
- MC5R (6)
- MC5RL (2)
- MCZ (6)
- MDR (2)
- MGN (62)
- Military, MIL-R-5757/23, 07, CII (11)
- Military, MIL-R-6106/19, FCA, CII (9)
- Military, MIL-R-83536/1, FCB, CII (1)
- Military, MIL-R-83536/10, FCA, CII (6)
- Military, MIL-R-83536/15, FCA, CII (1)
- Military, MIL-R-83536/16, FCA, CII (6)
- Military, MIL-R-83536/2, FCB, CII (9)
- Military, MIL-R-83536/32, FCA, CII (4)
- Military, MIL-R-83536/33, FCA, CII (1)
- Military, MIL-R-83536/5, FCB, CII (2)
- Military, MIL-R-83536/6, FCB, CII (8)
- Military, MIL-R-83536/9, FCA, CII (3)
- Military, MS27245, 07, CII (2)
- Military, MS27247, 07, CII (1)
- MJN (172)
- MK (312)
- MKK (22)
- MKS (290)
- MKS-X (264)
- MM (92)
- MMK (28)
- MRS (28)
- MRZ (21)
- MT, SCHRACK (78)
- MY (429)
- MY4H (22)
- MYA (27)
- MYK (24)
- NA13D (2)
- NC (155)
- ND12D (4)
- NE14 (2)
- NES (1)
- NLG13D (1)
- OA (2)
- OJ, OEG (45)
- OJE, OEG (35)
- OJT, OEG (3)
- OMI, OEG (58)
- OMIF, OEG (3)
- OMIH, OEG (36)
- OMIT, OEG (12)
- ORWH, OEG (18)
- OSA, OEG (31)
- OSZ, OEG (7)
- OUDH, OEG (10)
- OW (6)
- OZ, OEG (29)
- OZF, OEG (3)
- OZT, OEG (4)
- PA (8)
- PA-N (12)
- PB, SCHRACK (12)
- PC (1)
- PCD, OEG (10)
- PCDF, OEG (2)
- PCE, OEG (16)
- PCF, OEG (11)
- PCFN Solar, OEG (5)
- PCH, OEG (30)
- PCI, OEG (3)
- PCJ, OEG (16)
- PCK, OEG (3)
- PCKWK, OEG (2)
- PCL, OEG (8)
- PCLH, OEG (20)
- PD10, KILOVAC (1)
- PD5, KILOVAC (2)
- PD90X, KILOVAC (1)
- PE Bistable, SCHRACK (7)
- PLC-RPT (36)
- PLC-RSC (74)
- PLC-RSP (34)
- PM (2)
- PQ (12)
- PR1 (21)
- PRD (128)
- PRDA (18)
- PRS (35)
- PRZ (33)
- PSR (53)
- PT, SCHRACK (149)
- R10 (206)
- RCH (4)
- RCI (83)
- RCI KIT (20)
- RCI KITP (16)
- RCL (27)
- RCM (77)
- RCM KIT (16)
- RCM KITP (8)
- RCP (8)
- RE, SCHRACK (20)
- REL-IR (2)
- REL-MR (39)
- REL-OR (11)
- REL-PR1 (4)
- ReLy (4)
- RF1V (14)
- RH (79)
- RIF (98)
- RJ (35)
- RLY1 (1)
- RLY3 (1)
- RM, SCHRACK (222)
- RMI (9)
- RP II/1, SCHRACK (102)
- RP II/2, SCHRACK (49)
- RPW (8)
- RPY (7)
- RR (145)
- RR2KP (9)
- RRD (41)
- RRM (12)
- RS (48)
- RSLM (2)
- RSM (33)
- RT, SCHRACK (18)
- RT-3 (3)
- RT1 (29)
- RT1 Bistable, SCHRACK (16)
- RT1, Inrush, SCHRACK (41)
- RT1, SCHRACK (120)
- RT2 (17)
- RT2 Bistable, SCHRACK (15)
- RT2, SCHRACK (73)
- RU (39)
- RV8 (119)
- RY (14)
- RY, SCHRACK (94)
- RY2KS (2)
- RZ, SCHRACK (38)
- S (60)
- S86R (3)
- S87R (13)
- S89R (22)
- S90R (5)
- SDT, OEG (15)
- SDT-R, OEG (22)
- SF-Y (21)
- SF2 (2)
- SF2D (8)
- SF3 (6)
- SF4D (7)
- SFN4D (2)
- SFS (45)
- SP (68)
- SR06AM (3)
- SR07P (3)
- SR101A (3)
- SR102AM (3)
- SR103AM (3)
- SR108AD (1)
- SR2M, SCHRACK (21)
- SR4, SCHRACK (19)
- SR6 D/M, SCHRACK (3)
- SR6, SCHRACK (23)
- SRUDH, OEG (22)
- ST (67)
- SZR-LY (29)
- SZR-MY (26)
- T73 (9)
- T75 (13)
- T77 (16)
- T7C (25)
- T7N (18)
- T90 (65)
- T92 (104)
- T9A (115)
- T9C, OEG (5)
- T9E (5)
- T9G (128)
- T9S (2)
- T9V (2)
- TRS (9)
- TRZ (2)
- TX-TH (61)
- UE10-2FG (2)
- UE10-3OS (2)
- UE10-4XT (2)
- UE11-4DX (11)
- UE12-2FG (3)
- UE23-2MF (4)
- UE23-3MF (2)
- UE42-2HD (2)
- UE43-2MF (2)
- UE43-3AR (1)
- UE43-3MF (5)
- UE43-4AR (2)
- UE44-3SL (4)
- UE45-3S1 (4)
- UE48-2OS (2)
- UE48-3OS (2)
- V23003, AXICOM (10)
- V23005, AXICOM (15)
- V23008, AXICOM (14)
- V23009, AXICOM (27)
- V23054, AXICOM (18)
- V23057, SCHRACK (47)
- V23101, AXICOM (8)
- V23105, AXICOM (42)
- V23148, SCHRACK (10)
- V23154, AXICOM (73)
- V23162, AXICOM (16)
- VC (1)
- VF4 (46)
- Wilmar (1)
- XT, SCHRACK (37)
- Operating Temperature :
- -10°C ~ 40°C (340)
- -10°C ~ 50°C (7)
- -10°C ~ 55°C (176)
- -10°C ~ 60°C (41)
- -10°C ~ 65°C (16)
- -10°C ~ 70°C (4)
- -10°C ~ 85°C (19)
- -15°C ~ 40°C (6)
- -15°C ~ 55°C (18)
- -15°C ~ 60°C (3)
- -20°C ~ 125°C (5)
- -20°C ~ 40°C (16)
- -20°C ~ 45°C (3)
- -20°C ~ 50°C (36)
- -20°C ~ 55°C (71)
- -20°C ~ 60°C (31)
- -20°C ~ 65°C (24)
- -20°C ~ 70°C (22)
- -20°C ~ 85°C (9)
- -25°C ~ 40°C (334)
- -25°C ~ 50°C (100)
- -25°C ~ 55°C (447)
- -25°C ~ 60°C (929)
- -25°C ~ 65°C (2)
- -25°C ~ 70°C (544)
- -25°C ~ 75°C (5)
- -25°C ~ 85°C (7)
- -25°C ~ 92°C (2)
- -30°C ~ 105°C (11)
- -30°C ~ 55°C (17)
- -30°C ~ 60°C (96)
- -30°C ~ 70°C (202)
- -30°C ~ 80°C (31)
- -30°C ~ 85°C (67)
- -30°C ~ 90°C (14)
- -30°C ~ 95°C (2)
- -40°C ~ 105°C (333)
- -40°C ~ 115°C (28)
- -40°C ~ 125°C (18)
- -40°C ~ 35°C (2)
- -40°C ~ 40°C (15)
- -40°C ~ 45°C (2)
- -40°C ~ 50°C (208)
- -40°C ~ 55°C (368)
- -40°C ~ 60°C (876)
- -40°C ~ 65°C (201)
- -40°C ~ 70°C (2797)
- -40°C ~ 80°C (6)
- -40°C ~ 85°C (2176)
- -40°C ~ 90°C (21)
- -45°C ~ 40°C (22)
- -45°C ~ 45°C (122)
- -45°C ~ 50°C (69)
- -45°C ~ 55°C (124)
- -45°C ~ 60°C (170)
- -45°C ~ 65°C (28)
- -45°C ~ 70°C (589)
- -45°C ~ 75°C (3)
- -45°C ~ 80°C (34)
- -45°C ~ 85°C (50)
- -45°C ~ 95°C (10)
- -50°C ~ 40°C (106)
- -50°C ~ 55°C (125)
- -50°C ~ 60°C (354)
- -50°C ~ 70°C (518)
- -55°C ~ 105°C (112)
- -55°C ~ 125°C (22)
- -55°C ~ 45°C (75)
- -55°C ~ 60°C (63)
- -55°C ~ 65°C (110)
- -55°C ~ 70°C (475)
- -55°C ~ 75°C (206)
- -55°C ~ 80°C (71)
- -55°C ~ 85°C (393)
- -5°C ~ 40°C (11)
- -65°C ~ 125°C (34)
- -70°C ~ 125°C (95)
- 0°C ~ 50°C (11)
- 0°C ~ 55°C (2)
- 0°C ~ 60°C (7)
- 0°C ~ 65°C (2)
- Features :
- - (100263)
- Debounce Delay (4)
- Diode (87)
- Diode, LED Indicator (244)
- Diode, LED Indicator, Mechanical Indicator (27)
- Diode, LED Indicator, Mechanical Indicator, Test Button (37)
- Diode, LED Indicator, Reverse Coil Polarity (12)
- Diode, LED Indicator, Reverse Coil Polarity, Test Button (13)
- Diode, LED Indicator, Test Button (57)
- Diode, Mechanical Indicator (34)
- Diode, Mechanical Indicator, Test Button (30)
- Diode, Test Button (3)
- Incandescent Indicator (22)
- Incandescent Indicator, Test Button (18)
- Insulation - Class A, Sealed - Flux Protection (83)
- Insulation - Class A, Sealed - Fully (116)
- Insulation - Class B (1138)
- Insulation - Class B, Incandescent Indicator (27)
- Insulation - Class B, Sealed - Flux Protection (244)
- Insulation - Class B, Sealed - Fully (235)
- Insulation - Class B, Test Button (128)
- Insulation - Class E (86)
- Insulation - Class F (522)
- Insulation - Class F, Sealed - Flux Protection (557)
- Insulation - Class F, Sealed - Fully (747)
- LED Indicator (1211)
- LED Indicator, Mechanical Indicator (87)
- LED Indicator, Mechanical Indicator, Test Button (184)
- LED Indicator, Mechanical Indicator, Test Button, Varistor (31)
- LED Indicator, Mechanical Indicator, Varistor (22)
- LED Indicator, RC Circuit (24)
- LED Indicator, RC Circuit, Test Button (6)
- LED Indicator, Reverse Coil Polarity (13)
- LED Indicator, Reverse Coil Polarity, Test Button (11)
- LED Indicator, Test Button (366)
- LED Indicator, Varistor (76)
- Magnetic Blowout (8)
- Manual Switch Type (24)
- Mechanical Indicator (260)
- Mechanical Indicator, Test Button (245)
- Mechanical Indicator, Test Button, Varistor (41)
- Mechanical Indicator, Varistor (2)
- Neon Indicator (49)
- Neon Indicator, Test Button (16)
- Resistor (17)
- Sealed - Amber (225)
- Sealed - Flux Protection (1198)
- Sealed - Flux Protection, Socket Included (1)
- Sealed - Flux Protection, Test Button (16)
- Sealed - Fully (1562)
- Sealed - Hermetically (188)
- Sealed - Vacuum (4)
- Test Button (448)
- Test Button, W-Bracket Included (37)
- Termination Style :
- Gull Wing (58)
- PC Pin (6551)
- PC Pin, Quick Connect - 0.187" (4.7mm) (125)
- PC Pin, Quick Connect - 0.250" (6.3mm) (280)
- PC Pin, Weld Terminal (4)
- PC Pin, Wire Leads (4)
- Plug In (2528)
- Plug In, 11 Pin (Octal) (589)
- Plug In, 14 Pin (57)
- Plug In, 20 Pin (6)
- Plug In, 8 Pin (Octal) (540)
- Plug In, Quick Connect - 0.110" (2.8mm) (156)
- Plug In, Quick Connect - 0.187" (4.7mm) (811)
- Plug In, Quick Connect - 0.205" (5.2mm) (31)
- Plug In, Quick Connect - 0.250" (6.3mm) (115)
- Quick Connect - 0.110"/0.250" (8)
- Quick Connect - 0.187" (4.7mm) (355)
- Quick Connect - 0.187"/0.250" (83)
- Quick Connect - 0.205" (5.2mm) (6)
- Quick Connect - 0.250" (6.3mm) (554)
- RAST 5 Tab - 0.250" (6.3mm) (3)
- Screw Terminal (1429)
- Screw Terminal, Quick Connect - 0.250" (6.3mm) (4)
- Screw Terminal, Wire Leads (3)
- Solder Hook (62)
- Solder Lug (68)
- Solder Turret (18)
- Solder Turret, Wire Leads (1)
- Solder, Quick Connect - 0.187" (4.7mm) (16)
- Spring Terminal (351)
- Square Lug (4)
- Stud (12)
- Wire Leads (29)
- Contact Form :
- 3PDT (3 Form C) (1258)
- 3PST-2NO/1NC (2 Form A, 1 Form B) (4)
- 3PST-NO (3 Form A) (96)
- 3PST-NO (DM) (3 Form X) (24)
- 3PST-NO/NC (2 Form A, 1 Form B) (37)
- 4PDT (4 Form C) (1263)
- 4PST-2NO/2NC (2 Form A, 2 Form B) (3)
- 4PST-3NO/1NC (3 Form A, 1 Form B) (6)
- 4PST-NO (4 Form A), SPDT (1 Form C) (1)
- 4PST-NO/NC (2 Form A, 2 Form B) (139)
- 4PST-NO/NC (3 From A, 1 Form B) (144)
- 5PDT (5 Form C) (4)
- 5PST-4NO/1NC (4 Form A, 1 Form B) (2)
- 5PST-NO (5 Form A) (3)
- 5PST-NO/NC (3 Form A, 2 Form B) (2)
- 5PST-NO/NC (4 Form A, 1 Form B) (3)
- 6PDT (6 Form C) (22)
- 6PST-NO (6 Form A) (1)
- 6PST-NO/NC (3 Form A, 3 Form B) (26)
- 6PST-NO/NC (4 Form A, 2 Form B) (46)
- 6PST-NO/NC (5 Form A, 1 Form B) (25)
- 7PST-NO/NC (4 Form A, 3 Form B) (13)
- 7PST-NO/NC (5 Form A, 2 Form B) (7)
- 8PDT (8 Form C) (6)
- 8PST-NO (8 Form A) (3)
- 8PST-NO/NC (4 Form A, 4 Form B) (7)
- DPDT (2 Form C) (3498)
- DPST-NC (2 From B) (16)
- DPST-NO (2 Form A) (916)
- DPST-NO/NC (1 Form A, 1 From B) (409)
- SPDT (1 Form C) (3070)
- SPDT (DB/DM) (1 Form Z) (25)
- SPST-NC (1 Form B) (87)
- SPST-NO (1 Form A) (3484)
- SPST-NO (1 Form A) x 4 (134)
- SPST-NO (1 Form A), SPDT (1 Form C) (2)
- SPST-NO (DM) (1 Form X) (87)
- Coil Current :
- 1.0A (1)
- 1.3A (1)
- 1.4mA (1)
- 1.6A (1)
- 10.0mA (180)
- 10.1mA (8)
- 10.2mA (82)
- 10.4mA (59)
- 10.5mA (52)
- 10.6mA (47)
- 10.7mA (4)
- 10.8mA (53)
- 10.9mA (49)
- 100mA (204)
- 101mA (2)
- 102mA (9)
- 103mA (1)
- 104mA (6)
- 105mA (16)
- 106mA (86)
- 108mA (31)
- 109mA (35)
- 11.0mA (192)
- 11.1mA (43)
- 11.2mA (9)
- 11.3mA (9)
- 11.4mA (63)
- 11.5mA (56)
- 11.6mA (37)
- 11.7mA (19)
- 11.9mA (1)
- 110mA (7)
- 111mA (12)
- 112mA (33)
- 113mA (5)
- 115mA (37)
- 117mA (7)
- 118mA (5)
- 119mA (2)
- 11mA (1)
- 12.0mA (66)
- 12.2mA (6)
- 12.3mA (20)
- 12.4mA (6)
- 12.5mA (67)
- 12.6mA (8)
- 12.7mA (1)
- 12.8mA (8)
- 120mA (53)
- 124mA (1)
- 125mA (20)
- 126mA (42)
- 127mA (1)
- 128mA (6)
- 13.0mA (36)
- 13.2mA (36)
- 13.3mA (18)
- 13.5mA (13)
- 13.6mA (22)
- 13.7mA (2)
- 13.8mA (2)
- 13.9mA (1)
- 130mA (5)
- 133mA (83)
- 134mA (7)
- 138mA (12)
- 139mA (7)
- 14.0mA (15)
- 14.1mA (2)
- 14.2mA (42)
- 14.4mA (4)
- 14.5mA (3)
- 14.6mA (4)
- 14.7mA (9)
- 14.8mA (14)
- 14.9mA (2)
- 140mA (52)
- 141mA (2)
- 142mA (30)
- 143mA (2)
- 144mA (12)
- 145mA (1)
- 15.0mA (185)
- 15.1mA (23)
- 15.2mA (4)
- 15.3mA (12)
- 15.5mA (15)
- 15.6mA (25)
- 15.7mA (6)
- 15.8mA (4)
- 15.9mA (9)
- 150mA (128)
- 151mA (19)
- 154mA (50)
- 155mA (8)
- 157mA (8)
- 158mA (47)
- 16.0mA (15)
- 16.4mA (16)
- 16.5mA (15)
- 16.6mA (1)
- 16.7mA (556)
- 16.8mA (7)
- 160mA (46)
- 161mA (2)
- 162mA (3)
- 165mA (4)
- 167mA (72)
- 168mA (13)
- 169mA (19)
- 17.0mA (20)
- 17.2mA (3)
- 17.3mA (1)
- 17.5mA (84)
- 170mA (6)
- 176mA (7)
- 178mA (2)
- 179mA (5)
- 18.0mA (92)
- 18.2mA (21)
- 18.3mA (17)
- 18.4mA (13)
- 18.5mA (94)
- 18.6mA (1)
- 18.8mA (81)
- 18.9mA (2)
- 180mA (56)
- 182mA (3)
- 183mA (15)
- 185mA (21)
- 187mA (4)
- 188mA (15)
- 19.0mA (75)
- 19.1mA (2)
- 19.2mA (42)
- 19.3mA (41)
- 19.4mA (9)
- 19.5mA (2)
- 192mA (5)
- 193mA (19)
- 2.0mA (3)
- 2.2A (1)
- 2.5mA (2)
- 2.7mA (2)
- 2.9mA (13)
- 20.0mA (102)
- 20.3mA (2)
- 20.4mA (45)
- 20.5mA (29)
- 20.6mA (6)
- 20.8mA (68)
- 20.9mA (5)
- 200mA (68)
- 205mA (2)
- 207mA (2)
- 208mA (11)
- 209mA (5)
- 21.0mA (122)
- 21.3mA (5)
- 21.6mA (59)
- 21.7mA (5)
- 21.8mA (138)
- 210mA (12)
- 213mA (4)
- 215mA (1)
- 216mA (3)
- 217mA (2)
- 21mA (4)
- 22.0mA (62)
- 22.1mA (28)
- 22.2mA (146)
- 22.5mA (42)
- 220mA (2)
- 222mA (2)
- 224mA (19)
- 225mA (2)
- 23.0mA (37)
- 23.1mA (20)
- 23.3mA (18)
- 23.6mA (1)
- 23.7mA (4)
- 230mA (11)
- 234mA (3)
- 238mA (3)
- 24.0mA (83)
- 24.1mA (6)
- 24.4mA (11)
- 24.5mA (1)
- 24.7mA (5)
- 240mA (23)
- 245mA (3)
- 25.0mA (151)
- 25.2mA (5)
- 25.3mA (1)
- 25.5mA (4)
- 25.7mA (4)
- 25.9mA (12)
- 250mA (8)
- 255mA (16)
- 26.0mA (10)
- 26.4mA (6)
- 26.5mA (6)
- 26.7mA (37)
- 260mA (3)
- 264mA (1)
- 267mA (4)
- 27.0mA (25)
- 27.2mA (6)
- 27.4mA (1)
- 27.8mA (19)
- 27.9mA (2)
- 273mA (1)
- 278mA (1)
- 28.0mA (26)
- 28.1mA (29)
- 28.2mA (3)
- 28.3mA (5)
- 28.5mA (3)
- 28.6mA (1)
- 280mA (1)
- 283mA (5)
- 29.0mA (20)
- 29.1mA (1)
- 29.2mA (11)
- 29.3mA (4)
- 29.4mA (24)
- 29.5mA (23)
- 3.0mA (10)
- 3.1mA (1)
- 3.2mA (65)
- 3.4mA (4)
- 3.5mA (28)
- 3.6mA (4)
- 3.7mA (9)
- 3.8mA (54)
- 30.0mA (223)
- 30.3mA (1)
- 30.5mA (2)
- 30.7mA (3)
- 30.8mA (38)
- 300mA (6)
- 308mA (50)
- 31.0mA (15)
- 31.1mA (4)
- 31.3mA (22)
- 31.6mA (39)
- 310mA (1)
- 313mA (5)
- 316mA (1)
- 317mA (26)
- 32.0mA (54)
- 32.1mA (4)
- 32.5mA (2)
- 320mA (19)
- 325mA (1)
- 33.0mA (38)
- 33.1mA (3)
- 33.3mA (481)
- 33.7mA (3)
- 333mA (19)
- 335mA (8)
- 34.0mA (25)
- 34.3mA (36)
- 34.4mA (4)
- 34.6mA (8)
- 34.8mA (1)
- 35.0mA (8)
- 35.3mA (7)
- 35.4mA (12)
- 35.5mA (4)
- 35.7mA (1)
- 36.0mA (67)
- 36.1mA (1)
- 36.3mA (24)
- 36.7mA (17)
- 36.9mA (120)
- 360mA (16)
- 37.0mA (126)
- 37.3mA (1)
- 37.4mA (2)
- 37.5mA (157)
- 37.7mA (54)
- 37.8mA (6)
- 37.9mA (4)
- 375mA (6)
- 38.0mA (31)
- 38.1mA (2)
- 38.4mA (1)
- 38.5mA (12)
- 38.7mA (2)
- 38.9mA (1)
- 385mA (16)
- 39.0mA (35)
- 390mA (2)
- 396mA (6)
- 4.0mA (20)
- 4.1mA (40)
- 4.2mA (83)
- 4.3mA (30)
- 4.4mA (1)
- 4.5mA (33)
- 4.6mA (33)
- 4.7mA (3)
- 4.8mA (40)
- 40.0mA (270)
- 40.8mA (3)
- 40.9mA (11)
- 400mA (9)
- 41.0mA (29)
- 41.1mA (4)
- 41.6mA (50)
- 41.7mA (85)
- 410mA (16)
- 415mA (1)
- 417mA (11)
- 42.0mA (18)
- 42.4mA (15)
- 42.5mA (6)
- 420mA (5)
- 429mA (1)
- 43.0mA (18)
- 43.2mA (28)
- 43.6mA (70)
- 432mA (1)
- 44.0mA (50)
- 44.2mA (19)
- 44.4mA (165)
- 44.5mA (4)
- 44.6mA (20)
- 44.7mA (14)
- 45.0mA (83)
- 45.2mA (2)
- 45.5mA (15)
- 45.6mA (11)
- 45.7mA (1)
- 451mA (2)
- 46.0mA (94)
- 46.7mA (15)
- 46.8mA (4)
- 460mA (3)
- 469mA (3)
- 47.0mA (10)
- 47.2mA (1)
- 47.5mA (6)
- 47.6mA (6)
- 48.0mA (6)
- 48.5mA (1)
- 5.0mA (103)
- 5.1mA (12)
- 5.2mA (22)
- 5.3mA (36)
- 5.4mA (4)
- 5.5mA (34)
- 5.6mA (17)
- 5.8mA (33)
- 5.9mA (2)
- 50.0mA (280)
- 50.5mA (11)
- 500mA (3)
- 51.0mA (103)
- 51.1mA (5)
- 51.3mA (3)
- 52.0mA (35)
- 520mA (1)
- 53.0mA (2)
- 53.3mA (14)
- 53.6mA (9)
- 533mA (6)
- 54.0mA (10)
- 54.5mA (12)
- 55.0mA (6)
- 55.6mA (13)
- 55.8mA (49)
- 550mA (6)
- 56.0mA (64)
- 56.2mA (1)
- 56.5mA (3)
- 57.0mA (2)
- 57.1mA (2)
- 57.6mA (2)
- 58.0mA (15)
- 58.3mA (17)
- 58.6mA (17)
- 58.8mA (19)
- 6.0mA (45)
- 6.1mA (9)
- 6.2mA (11)
- 6.3mA (27)
- 6.4mA (2)
- 6.5mA (17)
- 6.6mA (35)
- 6.7mA (13)
- 6.8mA (33)
- 6.9mA (2)
- 60.0mA (183)
- 60.2mA (17)
- 600mA (9)
- 62.0mA (8)
- 62.5mA (39)
- 63.0mA (3)
- 63.2mA (23)
- 632mA (1)
- 64.0mA (5)
- 64.3mA (1)
- 64.4mA (1)
- 64.9mA (25)
- 640mA (1)
- 65.0mA (6)
- 66.0mA (9)
- 66.1mA (2)
- 66.6mA (2)
- 66.7mA (192)
- 67.0mA (31)
- 68.0mA (1)
- 68.6mA (2)
- 69.0mA (18)
- 69.4mA (1)
- 69.6mA (1)
- 7.0mA (58)
- 7.1mA (40)
- 7.2mA (10)
- 7.3mA (11)
- 7.4mA (7)
- 7.5mA (131)
- 7.6mA (4)
- 7.7mA (5)
- 7.8mA (1)
- 70.0mA (19)
- 70.6mA (8)
- 70.8mA (68)
- 71.0mA (58)
- 71.4mA (25)
- 72.0mA (60)
- 72.7mA (2)
- 73.0mA (5)
- 73.3mA (11)
- 734mA (2)
- 74.0mA (12)
- 75.0mA (368)
- 750mA (1)
- 76.0mA (2)
- 77.0mA (44)
- 77.3mA (3)
- 77.6mA (3)
- 77.8mA (2)
- 78.0mA (13)
- 78.9mA (2)
- 79.0mA (68)
- 79.4mA (30)
- 791mA (1)
- 8.0mA (35)
- 8.2mA (48)
- 8.3mA (266)
- 8.4mA (63)
- 8.5mA (4)
- 8.6mA (16)
- 8.7mA (38)
- 8.8mA (51)
- 8.9mA (4)
- 80.0mA (163)
- 80.6mA (34)
- 81.0mA (2)
- 81.2mA (3)
- 820mA (1)
- 83.0mA (40)
- 83.3mA (83)
- 84.0mA (71)
- 85.0mA (35)
- 85.4mA (12)
- 86.0mA (1)
- 86.2mA (8)
- 864mA (1)
- 87.0mA (32)
- 87.5mA (5)
- 88.0mA (34)
- 88.2mA (41)
- 88.3mA (16)
- 88.9mA (30)
- 89.0mA (2)
- 89.2mA (1)
- 9.0mA (163)
- 9.1mA (50)
- 9.2mA (85)
- 9.3mA (3)
- 9.4mA (15)
- 9.5mA (22)
- 9.6mA (46)
- 9.7mA (5)
- 9.8mA (1)
- 9.9mA (6)
- 90.0mA (10)
- 91.0mA (39)
- 92.0mA (1)
- 92.3mA (1)
- 92.6mA (16)
- 93.0mA (16)
- 93.3mA (6)
- 93.8mA (4)
- 938mA (5)
- 94.0mA (13)
- 94.2mA (6)
- 94.4mA (2)
- 95.8mA (5)
- 96.0mA (1)
- 96.3mA (41)
- 96.6mA (5)
- Coil Voltage :
- 1.1VDC (2)
- 1.5VDC (5)
- 100VAC (114)
- 100VDC (108)
- 10VDC (6)
- 110VAC (213)
- 110VDC (571)
- 115VAC (286)
- 115VAC/DC (14)
- 115VDC (13)
- 120VAC (800)
- 120VAC/DC (52)
- 120VDC (6)
- 125VAC (2)
- 125VDC (58)
- 12VAC (268)
- 12VAC/DC (11)
- 12VDC (2483)
- 15VDC (54)
- 16VDC (2)
- 18VAC/DC (8)
- 18VDC (302)
- 2.4VDC (8)
- 200VAC (50)
- 208VAC (10)
- 20VDC (28)
- 21VDC (14)
- 220VAC (180)
- 220VDC (58)
- 22VDC (48)
- 23.5VDC (1)
- 230VAC (315)
- 230VAC/DC (43)
- 240VAC (519)
- 24VAC (766)
- 24VAC/DC (164)
- 24VDC (3162)
- 26.5VDC (51)
- 260VAC (1)
- 277VAC (6)
- 28VDC (84)
- 32VDC (17)
- 36VDC (33)
- 395VAC (1)
- 3VAC (1)
- 3VDC (172)
- 4.5VDC (63)
- 40VAC (1)
- 40VDC (1)
- 420VAC (1)
- 42VAC (3)
- 42VDC (1)
- 45VDC (4)
- 480VAC (10)
- 48VAC (94)
- 48VAC/DC (35)
- 48VDC (1021)
- 495VAC (1)
- 4VDC (5)
- 50VAC (80)
- 5VAC/DC (3)
- 5VDC (997)
- 60VAC (4)
- 60VAC/DC (13)
- 60VDC (111)
- 62VDC (1)
- 6VAC (134)
- 6VDC (748)
- 72VDC (7)
- 75VDC (7)
- 7VDC (2)
- 85VDC (4)
- 8VDC (1)
- 90VAC (2)
- 90VDC (3)
- 9VDC (439)
- Contact Rating (Current) :
- 10.5A (1)
- 100A (21)
- 10A (4203)
- 11A (9)
- 120A (8)
- 12A (373)
- 14A (13)
- 150A (1)
- 15A (606)
- 16A (1453)
- 18A (15)
- 200A (18)
- 20A (521)
- 21A (3)
- 25A (555)
- 26A (5)
- 2A (61)
- 30A (756)
- 31A (8)
- 32A (3)
- 33A (2)
- 35A (46)
- 3A (902)
- 400A (5)
- 40A (131)
- 48A (6)
- 4A (184)
- 50A (53)
- 5A (2198)
- 60A (42)
- 6A (983)
- 7.5A (40)
- 750A (4)
- 7A (358)
- 8.5A (12)
- 8A (1241)
- 90A (17)
- 9A (4)
- Switching Voltage :
- 10000VDC - Max (14)
- 1000VDC - Max (8)
- 100VDC - Nom (2)
- 115VAC - Max (2)
- 115VAC, 28VDC - Max (75)
- 115VAC, 28VDC - Nom (16)
- 115VAC, 30VDC - Max (2)
- 120VAC - Max (79)
- 120VAC, 28VDC - Max (36)
- 120VAC, 30VDC - Max (222)
- 125VAC - Max (66)
- 125VAC - Nom (179)
- 125VAC, 120VDC - Max (8)
- 125VAC, 125VDC - Max (22)
- 125VAC, 150VDC - Max (89)
- 125VDC - Nom (30)
- 14VDC - Nom (46)
- 15000VDC - Max (7)
- 150VDC - Max (34)
- 160VAC - Max (1)
- 1800VDC - Max (12)
- 20000VDC - Max (1)
- 208VAC, 28VDC - Max (10)
- 220VAC - Max (12)
- 220VAC, 48VDC - Max (5)
- 220VDC - Max (116)
- 230VAC - Max (10)
- 230VAC, 230VDC - Max (1)
- 230VAC, 24VDC - Max (9)
- 230VAC, 300VDC - Max (42)
- 240VAC - Max (734)
- 240VAC - Nom (51)
- 240VAC, 110VDC - Max (10)
- 240VAC, 24VDC - Max (35)
- 240VAC, 28VDC - Max (167)
- 240VAC, 30VDC - Max (260)
- 240VAC, 50VDC - Max (3)
- 250VAC - Max (2278)
- 250VAC - Nom (357)
- 250VAC, 100VDC - Max (190)
- 250VAC, 110VDC - Max (151)
- 250VAC, 125VDC - Max (1687)
- 250VAC, 220VDC - Max (134)
- 250VAC, 24VDC - Max (160)
- 250VAC, 250VDC - Max (1009)
- 250VAC, 28VDC - Max (126)
- 250VAC, 300VDC - Max (41)
- 250VAC, 30VDC - Max (1226)
- 250VAC, 48VDC - Max (60)
- 250VAC, 50VDC - Max (1)
- 250VDC - Max (11)
- 270VAC, 125VDC - Max (4)
- 276VAC - Max (14)
- 277VAC - Max (632)
- 277VAC - Nom (173)
- 277VAC, 125VDC - Max (15)
- 277VAC, 24VDC - Max (11)
- 277VAC, 28VDC - Max (18)
- 277VAC, 30VDC - Max (337)
- 277VAC, 400VDC - Nom (6)
- 28VDC - Max (17)
- 28VDC - Nom (4)
- 300VAC, 300VDC - Max (3)
- 30VDC - Max (2)
- 320VDC - Max (1)
- 35000VDC - Max (1)
- 3500VDC - Max (4)
- 35VDC - Max (8)
- 380VAC - Max (14)
- 380VAC, 125VDC - Max (945)
- 380VAC, 250VDC - Max (67)
- 400VAC - Max (1299)
- 400VAC, 125VDC - Max (14)
- 400VAC, 250VDC - Max (8)
- 400VDC - Max (58)
- 400VDC - Nom (9)
- 440VAC - Max (430)
- 440VAC, 125VDC - Max (133)
- 440VAC, 250VDC - Max (23)
- 440VAC, 300VDC - Max (182)
- 440VAC, 30VDC - Max (17)
- 440VAC, 350VDC - Max (4)
- 480VAC - Max (277)
- 5000VDC - Max (6)
- 500VAC, 500VDC - Max (2)
- 50VAC, 24VDC - Max (2)
- 600VAC, 125VDC - Max (18)
- 600VAC, 28VDC - Max (234)
- 8000VDC - Max (4)
- Turn On Voltage (Max) :
- 0.4 VDC (3)
- 1.13 VDC (4)
- 10 VDC (46)
- 10.2 VAC (35)
- 10.2 VDC (2)
- 10.5 VDC (10)
- 10.8 VDC (2)
- 100 VAC (2)
- 100 VDC (20)
- 102 VAC (244)
- 103 VAC (1)
- 103.5 VAC/DC (2)
- 104 VAC (1)
- 105 VAC (1)
- 108 VAC/DC (1)
- 11.2 VDC (2)
- 11.25 VDC (36)
- 11.7 VDC (1)
- 11.88 VDC (4)
- 11.9 VDC (3)
- 118 VDC (1)
- 12.2 VDC (5)
- 12.6 VDC (112)
- 13 VDC (21)
- 13.4 VDC (2)
- 13.5 VDC (157)
- 14 VDC (17)
- 14.4 VAC/DC (8)
- 14.4 VDC (52)
- 14.5 VDC (9)
- 14.6 VDC (1)
- 14.7 VDC (3)
- 140 VAC (3)
- 15.4 VDC (10)
- 15.5 VDC (1)
- 15.6 VDC (16)
- 15.8 VAC/DC (2)
- 15.8 VDC (8)
- 15.84 VDC (4)
- 150 VAC (72)
- 150 VAC/DC (1)
- 154 VDC (6)
- 16 VDC (57)
- 16.3 VDC (12)
- 16.5 VDC (125)
- 16.6 VDC (4)
- 16.8 VAC (11)
- 16.8 VDC (819)
- 16.9 VDC (5)
- 160 VAC (46)
- 160 VAC/DC (3)
- 165 VAC (4)
- 165 VDC (23)
- 166.4 VAC (6)
- 168 VAC (13)
- 17 VDC (1)
- 17.2 VDC (4)
- 17.5 VDC (2)
- 170 VAC (4)
- 172.5 VAC (76)
- 175 VAC (1)
- 176 VAC (173)
- 176 VDC (17)
- 176.8 VAC (4)
- 18 VAC (213)
- 18 VDC (1223)
- 18.7 VDC (1)
- 180 VAC (1)
- 184 VAC (153)
- 184 VAC/DC (8)
- 187 VAC (1)
- 19 VDC (2)
- 19.2 VAC (449)
- 19.2 VAC/DC (19)
- 19.2 VDC (710)
- 19.5 VDC (1)
- 19.6 VDC (1)
- 19.7 VDC (3)
- 190 VAC (2)
- 192 VAC (307)
- 2.1 VDC (101)
- 2.25 VDC (38)
- 2.8 VDC (5)
- 2.97 VDC (4)
- 20.4 VAC (141)
- 20.5 VDC (3)
- 204 VAC (118)
- 207 VAC/DC (1)
- 209 VAC (1)
- 21 VDC (4)
- 21.6 VAC/DC (2)
- 21.6 VDC (8)
- 22.4 VDC (2)
- 22.6 VDC (3)
- 221.6 VAC (3)
- 23 VDC (6)
- 235.5 VAC (3)
- 24 VDC (2)
- 25 VDC (2)
- 25.2 VDC (14)
- 25.6 VDC (1)
- 252 VAC (1)
- 268 VAC (1)
- 27 VDC (16)
- 275 VAC (1)
- 28.8 VDC (5)
- 29 VDC (1)
- 3.15 VDC (35)
- 3.25 VDC (6)
- 3.38 VDC (24)
- 3.4 VDC (9)
- 3.5 VDC (490)
- 3.75 VDC (319)
- 3.8 VDC (8)
- 3.9 VDC (1)
- 3.96 VDC (4)
- 30 VDC (6)
- 31.5 VDC (1)
- 31.68 VDC (4)
- 32 VDC (6)
- 32.6 VDC (9)
- 33.5 VDC (2)
- 33.6 VAC (6)
- 33.6 VDC (303)
- 34 VAC (1)
- 34.5 VDC (2)
- 35 VAC/DC (2)
- 35.7 VAC (1)
- 36 VDC (360)
- 36.2 VDC (2)
- 37.4 VDC (1)
- 37.5 VAC (21)
- 38.4 VAC (89)
- 38.4 VAC/DC (14)
- 38.4 VDC (293)
- 39.6 VDC (4)
- 4 VDC (156)
- 4.1 VDC (5)
- 4.2 VDC (297)
- 4.5 VDC (188)
- 4.8 VAC (115)
- 40 VAC (60)
- 40 VDC (7)
- 40.8 VAC (1)
- 40.8 VDC (8)
- 408 VAC (10)
- 42 VDC (24)
- 43 VDC (1)
- 44 VDC (2)
- 45 VDC (31)
- 46.5 VDC (1)
- 48 VAC/DC (9)
- 48 VDC (12)
- 48.4 VDC (2)
- 5.1 VAC (22)
- 5.3 VDC (3)
- 5.6 VDC (1)
- 5.8 VDC (3)
- 53.5 VDC (1)
- 56.25 VDC (2)
- 6.1 VDC (5)
- 6.3 VDC (176)
- 6.4 VDC (2)
- 6.5 VDC (10)
- 6.6 VDC (2)
- 6.75 VDC (178)
- 6.8 VDC (6)
- 6.9 VDC (2)
- 60 VDC (4)
- 61 VDC (2)
- 63.8 VDC (2)
- 64 VDC (2)
- 65 VDC (3)
- 66 VDC (1)
- 67.5 VDC (3)
- 7 VDC (3)
- 7.1 VDC (5)
- 7.2 VDC (241)
- 7.25 VDC (4)
- 7.3 VDC (3)
- 7.5 VDC (3)
- 7.8 VDC (22)
- 7.9 VDC (1)
- 7.92 VDC (4)
- 70 VDC (15)
- 71.5 VDC (2)
- 75 VAC (60)
- 75 VDC (53)
- 76.5 VAC (2)
- 77 VDC (89)
- 79 VAC (2)
- 8 VDC (35)
- 8.1 VDC (1)
- 8.2 VDC (17)
- 8.3 VDC (1)
- 8.4 VAC (9)
- 8.4 VDC (813)
- 8.5 VDC (14)
- 8.8 VDC (2)
- 8.9 VDC (2)
- 80 VAC (114)
- 80 VDC (35)
- 80.5 VDC (5)
- 81 VDC (3)
- 82 VAC/DC (2)
- 82.5 VDC (206)
- 83 VDC (3)
- 84 VAC (9)
- 86 VAC (21)
- 86 VDC (8)
- 86.3 VAC (59)
- 87.5 VDC (13)
- 88 VAC (184)
- 88 VDC (247)
- 9 VAC (23)
- 9 VDC (921)
- 9.4 VDC (1)
- 9.6 VAC (209)
- 9.6 VAC/DC (11)
- 9.6 VDC (559)
- 9.9 VDC (1)
- 90 VAC (13)
- 90 VDC (1)
- 92 VAC (181)
- 93.5 VAC (2)
- 93.75 VDC (15)
- 95 VAC (14)
- 96 VAC (391)
- 96 VAC/DC (8)
- 96 VDC (2)
- 98 VDC (1)
- Adjustable (14)
- Turn Off Voltage (Min) :
- 0.12 VDC (2)
- 0.15 VDC (14)
- 0.22 VDC (1)
- 0.225 VDC (17)
- 0.23 VDC (6)
- 0.25 VDC (198)
- 0.29 VDC (2)
- 0.3 VDC (161)
- 0.42 VDC (10)
- 0.45 VDC (135)
- 0.5 VDC (570)
- 0.6 VAC (3)
- 0.6 VDC (731)
- 0.63 VDC (10)
- 0.7 VDC (1)
- 0.75 VDC (54)
- 0.8 VDC (6)
- 0.84 VAC/DC (11)
- 0.84 VDC (10)
- 0.88 VDC (1)
- 0.9 VAC (1)
- 0.9 VDC (470)
- 0.96 VDC (12)
- 1 VDC (29)
- 1.1 VDC (4)
- 1.2 VAC (8)
- 1.2 VDC (1683)
- 1.26 VAC/DC (8)
- 1.26 VDC (9)
- 1.35 VDC (14)
- 1.4 VDC (2)
- 1.5 VDC (109)
- 1.6 VDC (2)
- 1.68 VAC/DC (10)
- 1.68 VDC (12)
- 1.8 VAC (140)
- 1.8 VDC (455)
- 1.92 VDC (9)
- 10 VAC (3)
- 11 VAC (7)
- 11 VAC/DC (6)
- 11 VDC (362)
- 11.5 VAC/DC (2)
- 11.5 VDC (13)
- 12 VAC (57)
- 12 VDC (5)
- 12.5 VDC (27)
- 120 VAC (1)
- 120 VAC/DC (1)
- 14.4 VAC (82)
- 15 VAC (60)
- 15 VAC/DC (3)
- 15 VDC (53)
- 156 VAC (1)
- 16 VAC (1)
- 16.1 VAC/DC (9)
- 17.3 VAC (59)
- 18.75 VDC (2)
- 2 VDC (17)
- 2.2 VDC (38)
- 2.3 VDC (20)
- 2.4 VAC (34)
- 2.4 VAC/DC (11)
- 2.4 VDC (1867)
- 2.5 VDC (1)
- 2.7 VDC (25)
- 20 VAC (2)
- 20.8 VAC (8)
- 22 VAC (1)
- 22 VDC (30)
- 23 VAC (7)
- 24 VAC (36)
- 27.7 VAC (6)
- 3 VDC (26)
- 3.2 VDC (6)
- 3.3 VDC (7)
- 3.36 VAC/DC (9)
- 3.36 VDC (1)
- 3.6 VAC (322)
- 3.6 VDC (317)
- 3.84 VDC (11)
- 30 VAC (111)
- 33 VAC (169)
- 33 VDC (17)
- 34.5 VAC (235)
- 35 VAC (4)
- 36 VAC (456)
- 38.8 VAC (2)
- 4.2 VAC/DC (9)
- 4.8 VAC/DC (5)
- 4.8 VDC (894)
- 46 VAC (8)
- 48 VAC (7)
- 49 VAC (1)
- 5 VAC (12)
- 5 VDC (10)
- 5.1 VDC (10)
- 5.4 VDC (9)
- 5.5 VDC (2)
- 6 VDC (49)
- 60 VAC (45)
- 65 VAC (2)
- 66 VAC (168)
- 69 VAC (136)
- 7 VAC/DC (2)
- 7.2 VAC (422)
- 7.5 VAC (20)
- 7.7 VDC (3)
- 72 VAC (287)
- 77.7 VAC (2)
- 78 VAC (1)
- 8.4 VAC/DC (9)
- 9 VAC/DC (2)
- Filtre sélectionné :
20903 Produits
Photo. | Type | Prix | Quantité | Stocks | Fabricant | Description | Series | Part Status | Packaging | Operating Temperature | Mounting Type | Features | Termination Style | Contact Form | Coil Type | Relay Type | Coil Current | Coil Voltage | Contact Rating (Current) | Switching Voltage | Turn On Voltage (Max) | Turn Off Voltage (Min) | Operate Time | Release Time | |
Regarder |
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TE Connectivity Potter & Brumfield Relays | RELAY TELECOM DPDT 3A 48V | V23105, AXICOM | Active | Tube | -40°C ~ 85°C | Through Hole | - | PC Pin | DPDT (2 Form C) | Non Latching | Telecom | 8.3mA | 48VDC | 3A | 250VAC, 220VDC - Max | 33.6 VDC | 2.4 VDC | 6ms | 4ms | ||
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TE Connectivity Potter & Brumfield Relays | RELAY GEN PURPOSE SPDT 12A 12V | RT1, SCHRACK | Active | Tube | -40°C ~ 85°C | Through Hole | Insulation - Class F, Sealed - Flux Protection | PC Pin | SPDT (1 Form C) | Non Latching | General Purpose | 33.3mA | 12VDC | 12A | 400VAC - Max | 8.4 VDC | 1.2 VDC | 8ms | 6ms | ||
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On a de la marchandise.
TE Connectivity Potter & Brumfield Relays | RELAY GEN PURPOSE SPST 16A 24V | RT1 | Active | Tube | -40°C ~ 85°C | Through Hole | Insulation - Class F, Sealed - Flux Protection | PC Pin | SPST-NO (1 Form A) | Non Latching | General Purpose | 16.7mA | 24VDC | 16A | 400VAC - Max | 16.8 VDC | 2.4 VDC | 8ms | 6ms | ||
Regarder |
On a de la marchandise.
Omron Electronics Inc-EMC Div | RELAY GEN PURPOSE SPDT 8A 24V | G6RL | Active | Bulk | -40°C ~ 85°C | Through Hole | Sealed - Flux Protection | PC Pin | SPDT (1 Form C) | Non Latching | General Purpose | 9.2mA | 24VDC | 8A | 250VAC - Nom | 16.8 VDC | 2.4 VDC | 10ms | 5ms | ||
Regarder |
On a de la marchandise.
Omron Electronics Inc-EMC Div | RELAY GEN PURPOSE SPDT 8A 12V | G6RL | Active | Bulk | -40°C ~ 85°C | Through Hole | Sealed - Flux Protection | PC Pin | SPDT (1 Form C) | Non Latching | General Purpose | 18.3mA | 12VDC | 8A | 250VAC - Nom | 8.4 VDC | 1.2 VDC | 10ms | 5ms | ||
Regarder |
On a de la marchandise.
Omron Electronics Inc-EMC Div | RELAY GENERAL PURPOSE SPDT 8A 3V | G6RL | Active | Bulk | -40°C ~ 85°C | Through Hole | Sealed - Flux Protection | PC Pin | SPDT (1 Form C) | Non Latching | General Purpose | 73.3mA | 3VDC | 8A | 250VAC - Nom | 2.1 VDC | 0.3 VDC | 10ms | 5ms | ||
Regarder |
On a de la marchandise.
Omron Electronics Inc-EMC Div | RELAY GEN PURPOSE SPST 8A 24V | G6RN | Active | Bulk | -40°C ~ 85°C | Through Hole | Sealed - Fully | PC Pin | SPST-NO (1 Form A) | Non Latching | General Purpose | 9.2mA | 24VDC | 8A | 250VAC, 30VDC - Max | 16.8 VDC | 2.4 VDC | 15ms | 5ms | ||
Regarder |
On a de la marchandise.
TE Connectivity Potter & Brumfield Relays | RELAY GEN PURPOSE SPDT 16A 24V | RT1 | Active | Tube | -40°C ~ 85°C | Through Hole | Insulation - Class F, Sealed - Fully | PC Pin | SPDT (1 Form C) | Non Latching | General Purpose | 16.7mA | 24VDC | 16A | 400VAC - Max | 16.8 VDC | 2.4 VDC | 8ms | 6ms | ||
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On a de la marchandise.
TE Connectivity Potter & Brumfield Relays | RELAY GEN PURPOSE SPST 25A 12V | PCF, OEG | Active | Bulk | -30°C ~ 55°C | Through Hole | - | PC Pin, Quick Connect - 0.250" (6.3mm) | SPST-NO (1 Form A) | Non Latching | General Purpose | 75.0mA | 12VDC | 25A | 277VAC, 24VDC - Max | 9 VDC | 0.6 VDC | 20ms | 10ms | ||
Regarder |
On a de la marchandise.
TE Connectivity Potter & Brumfield Relays | RELAY GEN PURPOSE SPDT 30A 24V | VF4 | Active | Bulk | -40°C ~ 85°C | Socketable | Resistor | Plug In, Quick Connect - 0.250" (6.3mm) | SPDT (1 Form C) | Non Latching | General Purpose | 76.0mA | 24VDC | 30A | 14VDC - Nom | 15.6 VDC | 2.4 VDC | 10ms | 13ms | ||
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On a de la marchandise.
Omron Electronics Inc-EMC Div | RELAY GEN PURPOSE DPST 8A 12V | G2RL | Active | Tube | -40°C ~ 85°C | Through Hole | Insulation - Class F, Sealed - Flux Protection | PC Pin | DPST-NO (2 Form A) | Non Latching | General Purpose | 33.3mA | 12VDC | 8A | 440VAC, 300VDC - Max | 8.4 VDC | 1.2 VDC | 15ms | 5ms | ||
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On a de la marchandise.
Omron Electronics Inc-EMC Div | RELAY GENERAL PURPOSE DPST 8A 5V | G2RL | Active | Tube | -40°C ~ 85°C | Through Hole | Insulation - Class F, Sealed - Flux Protection | PC Pin | DPST-NO (2 Form A) | Non Latching | General Purpose | 80.0mA | 5VDC | 8A | 440VAC, 300VDC - Max | 3.5 VDC | 0.5 VDC | 15ms | 5ms | ||
Regarder |
On a de la marchandise.
Panasonic Electric Works | RELAY GEN PURPOSE SPDT 10A 12V | JW | Active | Tray | -40°C ~ 85°C | Through Hole | Insulation - Class B, Sealed - Fully | PC Pin | SPDT (1 Form C) | Non Latching | General Purpose | 44.0mA | 12VDC | 10A | 250VAC, 30VDC - Max | 8.4 VDC | 1.2 VDC | 15ms | 5ms | ||
Regarder |
On a de la marchandise.
Panasonic Electric Works | RELAY GEN PURPOSE SPDT 10A 6V | JW | Active | Tray | -40°C ~ 60°C | Through Hole | Sealed - Fully | PC Pin | SPDT (1 Form C) | Non Latching | General Purpose | 88.0mA | 6VDC | 10A | 250VAC, 30VDC - Max | 4.2 VDC | 0.6 VDC | 15ms | 5ms | ||
Regarder |
On a de la marchandise.
Omron Electronics Inc-EMC Div | RELAY GEN PURPOSE SPDT 16A 12V | G2RL | Active | Tube | -40°C ~ 85°C | Through Hole | Insulation - Class F, Sealed - Flux Protection | PC Pin | SPDT (1 Form C) | Non Latching | General Purpose | 33.3mA | 12VDC | 16A | 440VAC, 300VDC - Max | 8.4 VDC | 1.2 VDC | 15ms | 5ms | ||
Regarder |
On a de la marchandise.
TE Connectivity Potter & Brumfield Relays | RELAY GEN PURPOSE SPST 16A 24V | RT1 | Active | Tube | -40°C ~ 85°C | Through Hole | Insulation - Class F, Sealed - Fully | PC Pin | SPST-NO (1 Form A) | Non Latching | General Purpose | 16.7mA | 24VDC | 16A | 400VAC - Max | 16.8 VDC | 2.4 VDC | 8ms | 6ms | ||
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On a de la marchandise.
Panasonic Electric Works | RELAY GEN PURPOSE SPST 16A 12V | ALZ | Active | Tube | -40°C ~ 85°C | Through Hole | Insulation - Class B, Sealed - Flux Protection | PC Pin | SPST-NO (1 Form A) | Non Latching | General Purpose | 33.3mA | 12VDC | 16A | 440VAC - Max | 8.4 VDC | 1.2 VDC | 15ms | 5ms | ||
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On a de la marchandise.
TE Connectivity Potter & Brumfield Relays | RELAY GEN PURPOSE SPDT 30A 12V | VF4 | Active | Bulk | -40°C ~ 85°C | Socketable | - | Plug In, Quick Connect - 0.250" (6.3mm) | SPDT (1 Form C) | Non Latching | General Purpose | 133mA | 12VDC | 30A | 14VDC - Nom | 7.8 VDC | 1.2 VDC | 8ms | 5ms | ||
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On a de la marchandise.
Panasonic Electric Works | RELAY GEN PURPOSE SPST 10A 24V | JW | Active | Tray | -40°C ~ 60°C | Through Hole | Sealed - Fully | PC Pin | SPST-NO (1 Form A) | Non Latching | General Purpose | 22.0mA | 24VDC | 10A | 250VAC, 30VDC - Max | 16.8 VDC | 2.4 VDC | 15ms | 5ms | ||
Regarder |
On a de la marchandise.
TE Connectivity Potter & Brumfield Relays | RELAY GENERAL PURPOSE DPDT 8A 6V | RT2, SCHRACK | Active | Tube | -40°C ~ 85°C | Through Hole | Insulation - Class F, Sealed - Fully | PC Pin | DPDT (2 Form C) | Non Latching | General Purpose | 66.7mA | 6VDC | 8A | 400VAC - Max | 4.2 VDC | 0.6 VDC | 8ms | 6ms | ||
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On a de la marchandise.
TE Connectivity Potter & Brumfield Relays | RELAY GEN PURPOSE SPST 40A 12V | VF4 | Active | Bulk | -40°C ~ 85°C | Through Hole | - | PC Pin | SPST-NO (1 Form A) | Non Latching | General Purpose | 133mA | 12VDC | 40A | 14VDC - Nom | 7.8 VDC | 1.2 VDC | 8ms | 5ms | ||
Regarder |
On a de la marchandise.
Panasonic Electric Works | RELAY GEN PURPOSE SPDT 16A 24V | ALZ | Active | Tube | -40°C ~ 105°C | Through Hole | Insulation - Class F, Sealed - Fully | PC Pin | SPDT (1 Form C) | Non Latching | General Purpose | 16.7mA | 24VDC | 16A | 440VAC - Max | 16.8 VDC | 2.4 VDC | 15ms | 5ms | ||
Regarder |
On a de la marchandise.
TE Connectivity Potter & Brumfield Relays | RELAY GEN PURPOSE DPDT 8A 24V | RT2 | Active | Tube | -40°C ~ 85°C | Through Hole | Insulation - Class F, Sealed - Flux Protection | PC Pin | DPDT (2 Form C) | Non Latching | General Purpose | 16.7mA | 24VDC | 8A | 400VAC - Max | 16.8 VDC | 2.4 VDC | 8ms | 6ms | ||
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On a de la marchandise.
TE Connectivity Potter & Brumfield Relays | RELAY TELECOM DPDT 3A 48V | V23105, AXICOM | Active | Tube | -40°C ~ 85°C | Through Hole | - | PC Pin | DPDT (2 Form C) | Non Latching | Telecom | 4.2mA | 48VDC | 3A | 250VAC, 220VDC - Max | 33.6 VDC | 2.4 VDC | 6ms | 4ms | ||
Regarder |
On a de la marchandise.
TE Connectivity Potter & Brumfield Relays | RELAY GEN PURPOSE SPDT 16A 12V | RT1, SCHRACK | Active | Tube | -40°C ~ 85°C | Through Hole | Insulation - Class F, Sealed - Flux Protection | PC Pin | SPDT (1 Form C) | Non Latching | General Purpose | 33.3mA | 12VDC | 16A | 400VAC - Max | 8.4 VDC | 1.2 VDC | 8ms | 6ms | ||
Regarder |
On a de la marchandise.
Panasonic Electric Works | RELAY GEN PURPOSE SPST 10A 12V | JW | Active | Tray | -40°C ~ 60°C | Through Hole | Sealed - Fully | PC Pin | SPST-NO (1 Form A) | Non Latching | General Purpose | 44.0mA | 12VDC | 10A | 250VAC, 30VDC - Max | 8.4 VDC | 1.2 VDC | 15ms | 5ms | ||
Regarder |
On a de la marchandise.
Omron Electronics Inc-EMC Div | RELAY GEN PURPOSE SPST 12A 12V | G2RL | Active | Tube | -40°C ~ 85°C | Through Hole | Insulation - Class F, Sealed - Fully | PC Pin | SPST-NO (1 Form A) | Non Latching | General Purpose | 33.3mA | 12VDC | 12A | 440VAC, 300VDC - Max | 8.4 VDC | 1.2 VDC | 15ms | 5ms | ||
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On a de la marchandise.
Panasonic Electric Works | RELAY GEN PURPOSE SPDT 16A 5V | ALZ | Active | Tube | -40°C ~ 105°C | Through Hole | Insulation - Class F, Sealed - Fully | PC Pin | SPDT (1 Form C) | Non Latching | General Purpose | 80.0mA | 5VDC | 16A | 440VAC - Max | 3.5 VDC | 0.5 VDC | 15ms | 5ms | ||
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On a de la marchandise.
Panasonic Electric Works | RELAY GEN PURPOSE SPST 16A 5V | ALZ | Active | Tube | -40°C ~ 105°C | Through Hole | Insulation - Class B, Sealed - Fully | PC Pin | SPST-NO (1 Form A) | Non Latching | General Purpose | 80.0mA | 5VDC | 16A | 440VAC - Max | 3.5 VDC | 0.5 VDC | 15ms | 5ms | ||
Regarder |
On a de la marchandise.
TE Connectivity Potter & Brumfield Relays | RELAY GEN PURPOSE SPST 16A 5V | RT1, SCHRACK | Active | Tube | -40°C ~ 85°C | Through Hole | Insulation - Class F, Sealed - Fully | PC Pin | SPST-NO (1 Form A) | Non Latching | General Purpose | 80.6mA | 5VDC | 16A | 400VAC - Max | 3.5 VDC | 0.5 VDC | 8ms | 6ms |
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